Wednesday 10 January 2018

The Wedding

Excuse my (normal) lousy photography skills...

Here we have the floor pan which has been kinda finished for the last year or 2 (a couple of things to complete but 95% complete) and the body ready to be dropped on after being away from it for 4 years.

And bang within about 30 seconds with 5 people (4 on the body and 1 x spotter), it is dropped on and aligned almost OK.

I am glad I had the rear apron replaced with the NOS one as below. It is straight as straight now compared to the original which was just awful and crap.

Engine still needs the tinware and stuff bolted on as you can see. On the right track though. The full flow oiling hides well behind the original 6V magnesium fan housings and apart from the 2 x hoses, nothing will look out of place.

Well that is a good look and a relief! I am going to unbolt it once it's delivered home and align it every so slightly better (it's 3mm or 4mm slightly skewed). It won't take much effort to get it spot on so why not.

You will start to see some good progress now. The parts are now about to all come out of the wrappers and be installed. Exciting times ahead.

Isotropic rem polishing