Thursday, 13 November 2014

Wet Blasting of electrical parts?

Well this was kind of unexpected. While I was using a wet blaster earlier this week, the thought crossed my mind on how some electrical items like fuse boxes etc would come up if subjected to the wet blasting as the 'grit' is not very damaging or abrasive.
So I went back the next day with an old VW switch of no value, gave it a go and having proved it did no damage to the brass or Bakelite type material, I put my original fuse box for the 1500 'S' in the machine along with the headlight connectors and went for it.
I am glad it did as the result is nothing short of NOS type quality.
Something to consider for your restorations!

I wish I had taken some before photo's now, but let me assure you, it was next to impossible to clean using conventional methods like acetone, carb cleaner etc. I am very pleased with the results.

Isotropic rem polishing