Sunday, 17 November 2019

NOS lower side trim clips on the 'S'

Was messing with the notchback the other night and saw my NOS lower side trims as well as NOS side trim clips gathering dust in the corner of the assembly room.... so I thought I would install the passenger side one.

NOS 1500 clips of course aren't that hard to find and I had plenty in a VW bag so that was the first task. Jam them in the holes and push them to one side.

The green snot in the photo is cavity wax that has dribbled out. I might clean that up on a hot day in the future. I might not clean it up too. I just don't care.

As you can see, the car is FULL of green cavity wax (Eastwood product) and I also did this years ago to the black VW. As both the green and black VW body's were completely dipped at Minus-Paint, it's a smart move to fill the body shell after the paint work is complete to coat the inside of any cavities. Of course VW from the factory did not do anything and this is why original cars showing zero rust in the heater channels usually are cause for concern- with no paint or protection inside, it's just a matter of time before rust will appear. The smart move is to cut open your heater channels as I did to both of these VW-1500's so you know what is going on in there.

Isotropic rem polishing