Thursday 14 November 2019

Okrasa heads now 35.5mm x 32mm

I recently removed the Okrasa heads from the 1602cc engine as I was not happy with the stock valve sizing as installed by Okrasa back in the day. It was 33mm x 32mm. I figured now was the right time to do any modifications (before the engine has run) so I sent them off to TW Engineering where Tony had a looky and determined that a stock 35.5mm intake could be installed onto the current intake seats. FANTASTIC.

While Tony was there messing with this old rubbish he also opened up the chambers around all the valves which is also something I was concerned about. All the intake seats were machined to suit the 35.5mm valves and now I am happy with the way the heads have ended up.

Installing these won't take very much time or effort as nothing fundamentally has changed (slight cc increase).

Thanks again to the boys at TW Engineering for sorting these out.

Isotropic rem polishing